Bylaw Enforcement

The Bylaw Enforcement Department is responsible for investigating, processing and resolving contraventions of the FVRD’s Bylaws.

We encourage residents, where appropriate, to make attempts to resolve issues amicably through discussion when bylaw-related concerns arise. When a resolution is not possible, or circumstances do not allow for a solution, a written complaint may be sent to Bylaw Enforcement for further investigation.

We are available to answer your questions and respond to reports about bylaw violations in the FVRD. Whether it's related to lot maintenance, noise and nuisances, property standards, or zoning bylaw regulations, we're here to help. 



In April 2024 the Fraser Valley Regional District Electoral Areas F and G Fireworks Regulation Bylaw No. 739, 2024 was enacted. This Bylaw prohibits the sale of fireworks within Electoral Areas F and G.

Information Bulletin: Fireworks Prohibited in Electoral Areas F and G  [PDF - 90 KB]

Link to: Fraser Valley Regional District Electoral Areas F and G Fireworks Regulation Bylaw No. 739, 2024 [PDF - 76 KB]


Enforcement Policy

It is the FVRD’s policy that complaints be received in writing by either submitting a Complaint Form, an email or a written letter. The name and phone number of the complainant must be provided to validate the complaint. Provide a full description of the offence including the civic address or legal description as well as the duration of the offence if known.

Your identity will not be revealed as it is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Act. However, should the matter proceed to court and if required by direction of law, the FVRD may be required to disclose the information provided.