Housing Study to Identify Needs in FVRD
October 7, 2020
The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) is in the process of completing a housing needs assessment that will help us better understand current and future planning needs. Once completed, the Housing Needs Report will be used as a foundation for planning and decision-making for at least the next five years. The final report will be region-wide, while also providing distinct individual snapshots related to each Electoral Area in the FVRD.
The primary purpose of this process is to identify and describe the key needs and gaps in the FVRD’s housing system to inform future policymaking. The assessment process and report will not result in specific new policy, but will later be used to support and inform future changes (to Official Community Plans, Zoning Bylaws, Regional Growth Strategies and others).
As of 2019, every local government in BC is required to conduct a housing needs assessment by April 2022, and every five years thereafter. You can find detailed information about this legislation and report requirements on the provincial government’s website.
This work is currently being led by CitySpaces Consulting on behalf of the FVRD, with key involvement of regional staff and the public. Founded in 1986, CitySpaces is an urban planning consultancy focused on housing and social planning with a long-term commitment to “building lasting, livable communities” across Western Canada.
The assessment process will occur over the next four months, with a final report scheduled for completion in December 2020. Visit our project page to find out how you can become involved.