Curbside Pickup For Tansy Ragwort
August 9, 2021
High temperatures may have dried out many lawns this summer but the excessive heat has caused invasive weeds like Tansy Ragwort to bloom and produce seeds earlier than normal.
The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) is asking residents who see Tansy Ragwort on their property to pull the plants out by hand as soon as possible and either put them in the municipal curbside compost bin or bag them and arrange for the FVRD to collect them from your curbside or driveway.
The Fraser Valley Regional District’s (FVRD) noxious weeds control program is currently active in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, FVRD Electoral Areas C, D, E, G and H. The program focusses on the control of four priority invasive plants in the Fraser Valley, which include Wild Chervil, Tansy Ragwort, Giant Hogweed, and Knotweed.
The FVRD has hired the Fraser Valley Invasive Species Society (FVISS) to conduct weed control for the 2021 weeds season. Crews control weeds on public land and will collect bagged Tansy Ragwort free of charge from residents for safe disposal. Crews will collect bags of Tansy Ragwort from residents from August 18, 2021, until mid-September.
Tansy Ragwort is toxic to livestock when consumed and the plants are quick to take over pastures if left uncontrolled. Tansy Ragwort has small, yellow, daisy-like flowers that grow in bunches at the top and ruffled leaves. The plants could grow to be about one metre in height. Check the Invasive Weeds page for more information.
Call FVISS at (778)-548-3847 or to arrange for Tansy Ragwort pick up. Note that the curbside pick-up service is only available to residents in participating communities (i.e., residents of Abbotsford, Chilliwack, and FVRD Electoral Areas C, D, E, G, and H).