Public Consultation on the 2021 – 2025 Financial Plan
January 15, 2021
We are seeking your feedback!
We are seeking public feedback on the draft 2021-2025 Financial Plan [PDF - 7 MB]. The FVRD manages approximately 120 separate service area budgets which are updated annually and are based on a five-year period.
“I’m really happy with the way we’ve been able to continue soliciting public feedback throughout COVID-19 on important decisions, said Jason Lum, Chair of the Board. "We encourage everyone to take the opportunity to dialogue with us on the 2021 budget.”
The public is invited to review the draft plan and provide feedback via email by January 26 in advance of the January 28 Board meeting.
“The 2021 – 2025 Financial Plan was prepared conservatively as we are in a global pandemic and facing continued uncertainty. In preparing the Plan, staff considered and leveraged opportunities for efficiencies,” said Kelly Lownsbrough, Director of Finance and Chief Financial Officer.
“FVRD budgets have distinct purposes, unique revenues (different tax bases) and expenses as well as their own designated surplus and reserve balances that can not be shared amongst other service areas. This makes it essential to manage those funds effectively now and for the future needs in order to be financially sustainable,” said Lownsbrough.
The 2021 – 2025 Financial Plan contains no additional full-time regular staff positions. Balances in existing reserve and surplus funds were reviewed and contemplated against future needs. The Plan was prepared using preliminary BC Assessment data for 2021 received in November 2020.
The 2021 – 2025 Financial Plan presentation contains summary level information as well as details on Electoral Area Area-Wide Services, Regional Services and Sub-Regional Services.
In reviewing the Plan, the public should note there are a number of unique service area budgets that apply to specific Electoral Areas and also budgets which apply to sub-sets of properties within an Electoral Area. To see a full impact of taxation for the proposed budgets in your member municipality or Electoral Area, please review the ‘resources’ section at the end of the presentation.
How to give your feedback
Send an email with your comments to by January 26, 2021.
Attend the virtual Board meeting on January 28, 2021. If you wish to ask a question during the public question period, you may do so through Zoom. You may also email your question to by 1 pm on the date of the Board meeting.