Increase in Mosquitoes Expected

June 29, 2022

Fraser Valley residents, particularly those living near the Fraser River, can expect to see an increase in floodwater mosquitoes this Canada Day weekend. Although the FVRD's annual nuisance mosquito control program has been underway since early May with crews from Morrow BioScience applying bacterial larvicide, rising water from the Fraser River has triggered new hatching sites.

Crews will continue to actively monitor and treat mosquito hatching sites. Residents are encouraged to reduce their exposure to mosquito bites through personal protective measures such as wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, choosing light-coloured clothing, using insect repellent, and ensuring window screens are properly installed and maintained. 

To report an unusually high abundance of adult mosquitos or new seepage sites, or to ask questions about mosquitoes and the control program, please call the Fraser Valley Regional District’s Mosquito Hotline: 1-888-733-2333 or email

Please visit Morrow BioScience’s website and social media sites to learn more about mosquitoes, treatments, and current activities: