Hazard Advisory UPDATE - Chilcotin River Landslide & the Fraser River

August 4, 2024

Electoral Areas A, B, D, and G

As a result of the landslide blocking the Chilcotin River, the Province of BC has advised their updated modelling provides an improved assessment of worst-case scenario risks. The modelling indicates water levels in the Fraser River is anticipated to be below freshet (spring snowmelt) seasonal levels. Public safety risks still apply.

FVRD continues to support Province of BC key messaging and asking people to stay off and away from the Fraser River including along the riverbanks.

For status updates on FVRD parks:

Dewdney Boat Launch

  • OPEN


Island 22 Regional Park

  • OPEN


Community Trail in Dogwood Valley

  • CLOSED until further notice



For information on the Chilcotin River Landslide and the Fraser River:

Province of BC News Release (August 3, 2024): https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2024WLRS0035-001253

Emergency Info BCemergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca

Watch the BC seasonal emergency preparedness update, August 1, 2024https://www.youtube.com/live/6TEuRimGDLk?si=3n3qT4eroJ-GbvMF

River Forecast Centre:  http://bcrfc.env.gov.bc.ca/warnings/index.htm

Prepared BChttps://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-management/preparedbc/know-your-hazards/floods

Drive BChttps://www.drivebc.ca/

We encourage all residents to follow FVRD and our communities on Alertable to ensure the fastest communication possible if future emergency notifications are required.